Friday, November 16, 2012

The Barnes' Family in Haiti : What fills you?

The Barnes' Family in Haiti : What fills you?: Last week one of our students said, "I just can't be happy.  I said, What?  He said, I just can't get happy." Today, someone I love with al...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rejoicing in the TRUTH!

Believing lies is so destructive.  It keeps you from freedom in Christ and fullness of life.
Lately I've seen Satan's deception that a lie is easier to believe; sometimes it makes us feel better about ourselves or justifies our situation but ultimately it blinds you from reality that can be love and unity and then has consequences that robs you of blessing.

The last few weeks and living in Haiti remind me of the Mighty power of truth.  The unity that comes from living in the truth and the PEACE.  Even when our flesh wants to respond passionately to a lie or defend what God is big enough to handle - Guess what, resting in the truth brings an inner rejoicing that breaks the internal struggle to bring justice to areas that only God can speak into.  

Keeping your eyes on eternal things, living in the light and living out the kingdom will show a broken situation love and a dark world light that will make known that which is hidden.  Prayer and a life lived in Christ satisfies (Psalms 103:5) the fight to try and reconcile something that can only be found through repentance and in God's grace alone.  That has brought power to my spirit this week in Haiti.

A boy we love and believe in, lied multiple times. One lie hit home because it was about his mother being dead. Having lost my own mom; this was devastating to my spirit for him.  This is not a stranger on the street but a boy that we have a relationship with AND spoke with his LIVING mom about.  Then, he lied about order to hustle more money.  We can pray.  We can forgive.  We can love but we can not make him live in the reality of truth.  We can share that this will lead to consequences beyond the cost that he wants to pay but the rest is God's work in his life and heart - not ours.

Then, as we go to bed listening to the sound of drums; discussing whether they are voodoo drums of just entertainment, we are so aware of the oppressive lie that surrounds this beautiful country.  A lie that hope or salvation is found anywhere else but a relationship and faith in Jesus.  What is the lie missing...Love.  The truth is that love covers a multitude of sin and if we continue to be obedient to this call and living out love; the truth will set us free and prayerfully be a fire of revival that is the difference in the truth and a lie.

We wake up today to another situation; Mostly, this just hurt because the situation actually couldn't be farther from the truth. Rejoicing in the truth means praying for people held captive by a lie and rejoicing in the truth.  Moving forward in obedience and knowing that you can't change a situation of confustion, only continue to live in reality of truth which is actually wonderful with so much fulfillment and unity.  

So, the reality for us is that we get to share daily in life, love and ministry with the community of St. Louis, our neighborhood, various family and friends, local pastors and our disciples.  We get an awesome new student this week and we are so excited about his journey of discipleship and leadership.  Every day we have friends of the House of Moses students around and it is a joy to be a part of their lives.  We love being involved in Pastor Job's school teaching english, connected with Sigma Omega school doing devotions and preaching at various churches around the area. It is absolutely beautiful and as Christ is being lifted up, HE is drawing people unto himself as he tells us he is faithful to do in His Word.

Today doing preschool with our 5 year olds, we did Eph. 6 The Armor of Christ.  
We can not let lies bring us pain that distracts from the reality of the truth.
Hold up the shield of faith, claim victory with the Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) be wrapped in the belt of truth, choose the breastplate of righteousness, guard your mind with the Helmet of Salvation AND move forward in the shoes of peace!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

When God says YES!

I remember learning about how God answers prayers with a YES, NO, Wait or just different...
We know the power of prayer; I mean when Elijah prayed, fire fell!
We continue to learn to competely depend on him and be anxious for nothing because our God who unrelentlessly loves us is in control and in that we pray...we pray for everything!

During this first official time of Missionary Furlough (which is crazy, because time in the U.S. is NOT a time of rest-LOL!) I keep standing in awe of God's provision, thanking him but mostly I find myself asking - HOW?! 

How did these miracles happen...
Then, I hear God whisper, "I said YES!"  There is no other way to explain it but that God has showed up and showed out mightily.  When we've HIS mercy, grace and blessing...HE said Yes!

In this part of our faith journey it seems like if we even thought about it; God shined down and did it!
Little bitty detailed things:  Like I was thinking about getting the kids a typing program because none of them type well at all...Lindy says, hey I found this Mavis Beacon Keyboarding CD Rom, do you want it!  The kids wanted a keyboard to learn and/or continue piano...a friend says hey, I've got a keyboard!  It just beautifully seemed like anything we needed (or wanted) God went on before us, moved mountains and said YES!  Thank  you daddy for your wonders; that you are bigger and better than we deserve and you encourage and confirm through, pour yourself out and may we be filled to continue to pour out and shine with you -Matt.5:16 as we return to Haiti!

We go back to Haiti so filled, so healed and so ready to continue to live out the kingdom in love with blessings beyond what we could imagine.  Honestly, if I tried to tell you everything you wouldn't even believe it and I don't have the words to share it!

Just to share a few:
We have BATTERIES for electricity
A motorcycle for transportation!!  Thank you Christian Motorcycle Association!
School supplies and Christmas for the students of HoM (and a few others too!)
Funding to continue the ministry AND we are an official non-profit Texas corporation
Greater wisdom through a mission process with Crossworld

Continue to pray us through our first House of Moses shipping; we are expecting a great God to get everything to Miami, on that ship and to the House of Moses in Haiti!
In this last week in the U.S. pray that we finish strong and wise!  Get some family time and rest in too...
That the 501c3 with the IRS gets complete!
For the gospel to be spread because of humble obedience and love: that lives are changed and souls are saved for God's glory!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Some good friends who have devoted their life to serving Jesus in Haiti tell us often that Haiti doesn't need another hand out, food, or orphanage.  It needs the gospel...more Jesus and that is the ultimate change because we don't want people to go to Hell fat; we would rather they go to Heaven skinny.  Well, tonight after a long but sweet day in Haiti...a very special Haitian friend accepted Jesus!  That is what it is all about.  God says if I be lifted up- I will draw all men unto myself.  Thank you Lord for the spirit of God in the House of Moses and for bringing fruit in the only way that truly matters.  Everyday we are poured out and with 15 kids most everyday we feel like God-fearing parents, tonight (this may sound funny) but I feel like a missionary.  Eternity is leaving a Legacy...
God puts eternity in the hearts of men

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Even though we will be in the states at the end of August sharing God's love story in Haiti and raising support to minister in Haiti for the 2012-13 year; we would like to book our flights back to Haiti in Sept now and since we have emptied our mission account on the ministry of the House of Moses and getting in we need your support now- 5 flights is a small chunk but not for our Lord! We need your prayers more than anything and if you feel led to donate to getting the Barnes back to Haiti...please go to:

Donate to Barnes at

May the Lord bless you and thank you so much!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Journey: The House of Moses...Living in Obedience

The Journey: The House of Moses...Living in Obedience: Obedience is costly, but oh so rewarding and fulfilling.   Even if I had the words they would not do it, to post a thousand pictures woul...

Monday, June 4, 2012

Vision for our future in Haiti!

God is so good.  All the time and no matter what.  We learn this in deeper ways daily here.  I want to share what the Barnes family will be doing within the next couple of weeks as today we paid 6 months rent on a discipleship/leadership home for God's glory!  By FAITH we are trusting God to open the flood gates of Heaven and provide every need...

House of Moses
Mission Statement
The House of Moses exists to develop High School orphans holistically for a purposeful reentry into their culture as leaders.
A leader is someone who influences a group of people toward the achievement of their goals.
Holistic development includes:
- Spiritual development - Emotional development - Physical Development - Cognitive Development
Spiritual development is achieved through weekly discipleship, accountability, and attending church together as a family.
Emotional development is achieved through purposeful interaction, house parents being tuned into feelings, modeling of healthy interpersonal interactions by the house parents, and teaching students to deal with defeat and conflict in a healthy way.
Physical development is achieved through the provision and modeling of personal hygiene, access to clean water, weekly exercise, and nutritionally balanced meals.
Cognitive development is achieved in attending school, tutors, learning English, reading books, and teaching and modeling of problem solving skills..
Core Scriptures driving House of Moses:
1. Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people. Luke 2:52
2. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28: 19-20
3. Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Proverbs 22:6
4. Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27
5. Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:37,39
6. Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. 1 Timothy 4:12Why “House of Moses?”
As all the future residents of HoM will be orphans, so was Moses in the bible. Early on you see his mom placing him by the Nile River. Pharaoh’s daughter discovers Moses and eventually he is raised as Pharaoh's grandson. As time progressed he was led into the desert where God spoke to him in a “burning bush” where He tells Moses “I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:10) Through a time of struggle, preparation and obedience he did the very thing God called him to.
As Moses was called and developed by God to lead His people out of bondage, we too believe that each resident at the HoM will do the same for their fellow Haitians. Through the purposeful holistic development of each resident, in prayer and God’s grace, each graduating resident, in obedience, will develop leaders within their life journey as a follower of Christ.
HoM from entry to exit
Residents of HoM are chosen through an application process. 12 residents are chosen from applicants to reside at the HoM. The Board of Directors alongside the house parents will help determine the 12 residents. All residents must be in high school. Before entering each resident must agree to by signing the HoM covenant. Upon entry each resident begins developing their Individual Holistic Development Plan (IHDP) alongside the HoM house parents. New residents will enter HoM at the beginning of August if there is a spot available. Each resident at the HoM will be developed holistically (spiritually, emotionally, physically, cognitively) as a leader for reentry into their culture. Each resident will no longer be labeled an orphan but part of a family. As a family member each resident will be responsible for daily chores and responsibilities around the house. By December of the resident’s senior year they will have applied to colleges (if applicable), have an apprenticeship, or be in pursuit of a small business loan. Upon graduation, each resident must move from HoM by the of August.
House of Moses’ Goals for each resident
- Each resident will be discipled and will disciple others. - Each resident will attend school and achieve success based upon their abilities. - Each resident will be involved in development of community. - Each resident will have their own Individual Holistic Development Plan (IHDP). - Each resident will graduate from High School. - Each resident, upon reentry, will attend college, have a job, begin an apprenticeship,
or start their own business.
The House of Moses’ Promise to each resident:
- Each resident will be loved and cared for unconditionally. - Each resident will have access to food, clothes, school supplies, and other necessary
needs. - Each resident will be aided in the pursuit of their IHDP goals. - Each resident will have the opportunity to be developed as a leader.

Excited about the journey...PLEASE Pray!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sweet moments over the last few weeks...

I had a great Haiti Mother's Day!  ALL of our children did really special things to honor me and I was blessed.  My favorite part was that I wanted to do a family picture with our family and our 14 teenage orphans.  They were really excited and then one of them said so many of these kids have never had or been in a family photo and it means so much to was a beautiful day and experience with them.

Yesterday was my first day to attend the local women's group Bible study.  It was an honor when one of the local pastor's wife and our respected social worker on the mission asked me to join.  It was ALOT of creole but I was so impacted by the praise and prayer.  For two hours they sought God through his word, devotion, singing and prayer.  They prayed for the mission and missionaries.  It was beautiful and humbling to be among my sisters before our King as one.

Yesterday I had to confront one of our orphan teenage sons about his facebook profile picture. It had something like snoop dog with two girls with little clothing on.  The funny thing is that we just talked about purity in his highschool . He, like most was embarassed and did some blameshifting to friends and the fact that he didn't have a picture to put.  John helped him "own" his choice and then simply repent and share that it is a struggle for young men but at the end of it all, with a NEW facebook picture of himself, I said "When was the last time you got in trouble by a mom"  He said that he couldn't remember, probably when he was little.
Then he said, I'll take getting in trouble with accountability and a Dad and Mom who love me over not getting in trouble because I have nobody who cares enough and no family to love me.     Wow!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sweet Homecoming!

Isn’t it awesome that God knows what He’s doing?  There is great comfort that when you don’t know the details- HE does.  Not only timing but the fullness of every commitment; even when you haven’t been dealt with honestly and truthfully...He is big and goes on before us pathing a way for His glory. HE will sustain and bless in the midst of any storm.
     Oh Lord, our hearts desire and love - May we be faithful
     In this season prior to returning to our beautiful home in Haiti, I have not had the words to write a blog or share; when I attempted to I found that my feelings overshadowed what truly needed to be said...but here it goes.
     After waiting eight years to move to Haiti for full time ministry - the flood gates are opened and we are here!  Everyday was literally living out a kingdom dream of Matthew  25. We came Dec.27th and then sometime at the end of January I got sick.  For the first few weeks we just thought it was Malaria or some stomach funk.  Then, it began to get really bad and between the pain and not being able to keep anything down, I got extremely dehydrated.  Long story short, I was taken to the Medishare hospital in PAP where they determined that I needed to go to the U.S.  I spent 10 days in Jackson Memorial in Miami, FL which determined I had hepatitis. The overwhelming love and support of family and friends was a haven for our sweet children and such an encouragement to our spirits and hearts.  Resting and learning what God wanted in this time was daily work.  We missed Haiti daily and longed to be back.
      One month later, as we prepared to come back to Haiti, John got sick with Hep and literally three days before we were set to go the decision was made that we couldn’t.  That days was devastating.  The whole trial never brought about any doubt of our calling or even discouragement oddly.  God so incredible went on before us in healing and provision that we felt the prayers of many sustaining us and literally saw Him at work and felt his presence.  We strived to keep the kids stable, and secure but they daily asked to go back to Haiti and continuously talked about the things they missed. Now, the intensity of the emotional and physical heart pain was no longer comforting as a confirmation of God’s call but further drove us to our knees and prayer and climbing into our Saviors arms for peace.  
     As John healed...God moved mightily in many ways.  He had the opportunity to preach, share of God’s work in Haiti and then very practical things like medical financial blessings, taxes and such got done and we were thankful!  We couldn’t have made it without the continued love of our “Jesus” family at home and before a host of witnesses I wish that I could proclaim that is what kingdom love looks like, from the tangible things like money, transportation, food and a place to live to the intangible prayers of faith, grace and mercy and LOVE.  We sincerely sought the Lord on other issues that we faced in one specific area and felt that he wanted us to return strong with our NWHCM family and mission.  We finally got medically released and returned home on April 13th.  61days in the U.S...but oh, the sweetness of the reunion.  Coming home was a beautiful thing.  We came home to our precious haitian family, named a baby that was born in our absence and got to wrap around our fellow American mission family after a week of tough realization and meetings for them.
     We came back to huge and necessary changes. I never thought that I would say this but I am thankful that we were not here for them.  God is at work.  The aftermath is intense enough.  We get to serve with some of the most awesome warriors for Christ, and then as such in a fallen, broken world we serve with some who should not be in the positions they are.  Accountability is not always easy but the blessing of dwelling in the light, seeking righteousness so that integrity is the strong hold for love and unity is worth the fight.  It’s what we are called to.  So, we love...we pray and we seek to be obedient.  We are home.  Daily being washed by scripture and keeping our eyes on the King who cares about hearts.  Discipleship and community pick up right where they left off...we will wait in great expectation upon the Lord for the fruit of spirit in ministry and change for the mission.  It’s crazy how separate those two things are.
     The fields are ripe for harvest as we seek kingdom excellence.  We need your prayers.  Now more than ever and through this all we have seen how vital the body of Christ is and how we all support one another’s call to be light in darkness.  Pray for a loosening of the chains of bondage on this mission.  Pray for brokenness and the courage to do what’s right among the leadership; for the wisdom to remove that which should not be.  What a journey a beautiful disaster that brings beauty from ashes.   

Friday, January 20, 2012

A day in the life of a family in Haiti...

As I write this blog, the sound of Come thou fount of every blessing from our Haitian workers and staff (or choir) echos through the mission.
 I remember day after day for years  I would wake up with Haiti on my heart and go to bed the same way with a yearning and longing for this country.  I used to think that I’d left my heart in Haiti a thousand times over.  Now that I live here, nothing has changed!  
     I love that it feels completely natural to watch Moleon, our security guard, wearing a shower cap as he sings and dances while doing his job, the NWHCM kitchen staff come to John’s protection and defense when his moto driver crashed, or our sweet Edna (the cleaning lady) say Bonjou zamni mwen blow me a kiss and embrace our children.  
Last night I went to bed so filled...I would love to share an average day of our life in Haiti.
John wakes up a little after 5:30a.m. to pray and then if there is a 6:30a.m. staff meeting goes to it.  We all rise and Terah gets ready for devotions before she assists Ashley with the haitian preschool.
John may have meetings set with missionaries here or haitian pastors and I get the children ready for homeschool.  The last two mornings I’ve got a morning laugh because Zebby (the Owens 1 year old) yells “Dad! Dad!” (copying the our kids to John) at our home window so that he can come play trains.
We go to the eating area and share our morning with a missionary family of various passions and personalities but I am certain that this Haiti family are some of the most incredible Jesus followers that I’ve ever had the gift of sharing life with.  Then everyone separates to their daily tasks and ministries.  
I decided to go to the baby orphanage before homeschool with the little ones because one our haitian workers said she missed seeing us in there the last couple of days (We’ve had a few mission teams here and between daily random stuff and homeschool we hadn’t gone over).  We played with precious babies and then we sang with haitian nurses.  I am learning more creole and they just love to talk and sing.  So together we sang, Because He Lives...I can face tomorrow... awesome.  They the asked if they could pray over me for John and our family.  They did and then I prayed for them and their families-powerful.
We did homeschool and then Terah comes home.  We have lunch with our Haiti mission family.  Kids running together; Haitian and missionary kids.  Oneness, joy and freedom... a testimony.
After lunch, naps for the younger kid and gear up to homeschool Terah.  John met a local DJ who was so hungry for the gospel and was encouraged by meeting with him for awhile before working on his sermon for Tortuga island this weekend. 
When the teenagers who live here from the orphanage in Salines Mayette get home from school in the afternoon, John is usually doing math with TK so that I get time with them and then get some bible study and quiet time done (the ladies on the mission are going through Ephesians together and then on Sat afternoons we have youth community group with the males and females).
A team called Epic is here and they do water filtration systems!  When you buy an Epic watch, the proceeds go to clean water in Haiti!  They did afternoon courses on sanitation and water purification and then we got to see the victory on faces as families with disabled children walked off the mission with their new bucket sanitation systems for their homes and families!
Then the beginning of the surgery team got here and the excitement of our week of surgeries and miracles is stirring as we continue to pray for all God has in store.  On a side note, Maureen, our campus medical nurse is incredible and a wonderful grandma to us all and we praise God for her.
Dinner with everyone with laughs, business, intimate conversations, getting to know mission team members...
Then, a mission from Mirebalais got here to drop off six new Miriam Center orphans!  We got to visit with them and be introduced to our new family.  A few of them have really stolen my heart.  From hospice care to rescue of these special needs children; they are given help, a voice, hope.  
The Epic crew did a glow stick party with the Miriam Center and I got to sing with many of them.  
We then bathe, pray with and put our children to bed (with the exception of Terah who got a movie that she needed to write a paper for for homeschool) then got to pray with one of our teenage girls who has a sick grandma who is lost and then listen to the girls practice for a Christian concert they perform in Port au Paix on Sunday.  
John and I get some share time before praying and climbing in to bed thinking, “This was another beautiful day in Haiti.”  
Daily we get to live out Matthew 25...kingdom living is beyond words.  Keeping our eyes on Jesus we love fearlessly and know that the prize is eternal.

Monday, January 2, 2012

When squeezed...

We are here.  We live in Haiti.  Saying those words is still incredible and we are.  We aren't even at our home mission and our first week in Haiti has taught and shown us so much.  We realize that we are in a marathon; not a sprint.  We are here long term, not for a week mission with a team trying to accomplish big tasks.  As we watch, we have seen spiritual warfare attack in different ways than you would think.  Mountains that our made out of mole hills, or letting worldliness take your eyes off Jesus and from keeping a kingdom perspective. We also see that no magical thing happens to anyone on the plane ride to Haiti. What you were in the States is what you are here but when we are out of our comfort zone, we're squeezed. When squeezed, "What comes out?" Who has control?

I've seen that when we have expectation towards others and situations it is easy to be discouraged and frustrated.

 It's not the sharks that kill you here but the minnows that bite and pick daily wearing you down.  The need to abide in the Spirit is important.  We continue to seek wisdom so we can see clearly with the eyes of Christ and love with his heart.
Two short days with the McHouls has invigorated our hearts.  They, after 20+ years in Haiti are free.  They are not embittered.  Jon said this morning that," How can you be in God's will and not be happy!  I love living here.  It can be hard but it is wonderful!"  That attitude is what I pray for; that we will remain contagious and full of the joy of the Lord.  That our love for God and people brings HIM glory.