When I think of the testimony of our life journey I think of so many blessings! ...caring for the orphans as pure religion (James 1:27) or the power of a testimony-I've come to the conclusion that I just want to be a voice crying out in the darkness. John 1:23 John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, “I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way for the Lord.’”
Monday, December 12, 2011
Livesay [Haiti] Weblog: O Holy Night
Livesay [Haiti] Weblog: O Holy Night: Every direction you turn, the images of Christmas are evident. You need not look far to find beautiful and thoughtful displays, tastefully...
Monday, December 5, 2011
Our Love Story for Haiti: Saying Goodbye To My Dog
Our Love Story for Haiti: Saying Goodbye To My Dog: One of the hardest parts was leaving my dog, kelsey. I have had her since I was five. She was one of my christmas gifts. It seemed like she ...
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Thankfulness means different things to different people. Like no other time in my life; no matter what - I am thankful. 1 Thess. 5:18 says in all circumstances to be thankful for this is God's will for you. No matter what, I am thankful. We just celebrated Thanksgiving and as we focused on our many blessings I thought of our new life in Haiti and then my thoughts went to the many haitians that are thankful with far less than we have. Would we be thankful in their circumstances. It was hard to say bye to my sister for eight months; good byes are getting very real. We had to give our family dog to a family who could care for her and our children are broken hearted as they experience sacrifice. I am thankful that God uses the foolish things of this world and so thankful for this call and transition though it's not easy. We just moved out of our house. I'm tired, emotional and yet at peace and truly thankful. This holiday season; I pray that our focus is on our Savior like never before and that no matter what as we move to Haiti and many of our dreams come true. Though, this is not a fairy tale of perfection...it is full of joy, peace and love and we are thankful for all we have, our family and friends and truth!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Livesay [Haiti] Weblog: Transracial Adoption
Livesay [Haiti] Weblog: Transracial Adoption: A Vision Test, By Amie Sexton Love is colorblind. Do I hear a resounding “AMEN!”??? You might regret it. There are two things you s...
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
God is growing us so much through this journey but primarily the lesson for us through this season is Obedience. We are also seeing so many blessings! God's provision has been truly incredible.
Mother Theresa's statement: "We should live more simply, so that other's may simply live." This put me on a track pondering how God's desire is for us to be Deep and Simple and yet our society is Shallow and complicated. We even have a facebook page status for relationships that glories in It's complicated.
I am seeking God's heart for simplicity in our life and depth of heart, soul and spirit.
What I wanted to share about obedience includes are haitian daughter Ava Grace. Last week Ava had a rough week in school. Self control with actions, voice volume and choices (primarily with food) are her issues...(hey, sometimes they're mine to.) We've realized with Ava that the most effective discipline for her is to remove her choices so that WE are in control and caring for her and she is not in control and therefore taking care of herself. If she never trusts someone who purely loves her to care for her than she may never develop the means to receive God's gifts of grace and faith to fully trust HIM to be in control of her life and to trust HIS love.
In the morning, if we didn't make a full breakfast like pancakes than each child chooses something like cereal, oatmeal, fruit or toast. So, purposing to instill within her self control and balancing behavior we gave her a breakfast of applesauce and cinnam0n raisin toast; with no choice to choose just placed before her. She refused to eat it. So, it was brought out for the next meal...and the next...until she submitted. During this struggle of the wills, we visited grandparents and they wanted to take our family to Cici's. Ava LOVES a buffet! We explained that if she would obey and eat the cinnamon toast for snack simply because she trusts our choices for her, love her and TOLD her to than she could have what she wanted and join the family but if she did not obey, she could not. It would hurt us and her. She refused. She would look at, even lay by the bread, obviously hungry and yearning to obey but would not. She put some in her mouth but would not swallow. Therefore she lost the blessing to go to Cici's with the family (so did I). We headed to the farm. She had her bread and the applesauce. On the way driving, she said "Mommy, I love you." I said I love you so much Ava. I love you too much to let you not continue in your disobedience. THEN, I asked "So, are you ready to obey?" She said "No." That's when the Spirit brought the Word to my mind and heart, If you love me you'll keep my commandments.
OBEDIENCE is love. We know what we should do and we will not let go of our perceived rights...we won't give in and trust that God is big enough to handle whatever we are holding on to. We are struggling in life and God offers us something that he desires to help refine and change us because of his unending love and we want to live by our feelings and not by the faith he offers to obey, have self control, received discipline/accountability.
Ava finally gave in and we victoriously climbed another mountain of bonding, love and connection individually and as a family. In the meantime, we bask in the journey of growth, unity and essential truth of learning what it means to fully obey. Simplicty...Depth...
Mother Theresa's statement: "We should live more simply, so that other's may simply live." This put me on a track pondering how God's desire is for us to be Deep and Simple and yet our society is Shallow and complicated. We even have a facebook page status for relationships that glories in It's complicated.
I am seeking God's heart for simplicity in our life and depth of heart, soul and spirit.
What I wanted to share about obedience includes are haitian daughter Ava Grace. Last week Ava had a rough week in school. Self control with actions, voice volume and choices (primarily with food) are her issues...(hey, sometimes they're mine to.) We've realized with Ava that the most effective discipline for her is to remove her choices so that WE are in control and caring for her and she is not in control and therefore taking care of herself. If she never trusts someone who purely loves her to care for her than she may never develop the means to receive God's gifts of grace and faith to fully trust HIM to be in control of her life and to trust HIS love.
In the morning, if we didn't make a full breakfast like pancakes than each child chooses something like cereal, oatmeal, fruit or toast. So, purposing to instill within her self control and balancing behavior we gave her a breakfast of applesauce and cinnam0n raisin toast; with no choice to choose just placed before her. She refused to eat it. So, it was brought out for the next meal...and the next...until she submitted. During this struggle of the wills, we visited grandparents and they wanted to take our family to Cici's. Ava LOVES a buffet! We explained that if she would obey and eat the cinnamon toast for snack simply because she trusts our choices for her, love her and TOLD her to than she could have what she wanted and join the family but if she did not obey, she could not. It would hurt us and her. She refused. She would look at, even lay by the bread, obviously hungry and yearning to obey but would not. She put some in her mouth but would not swallow. Therefore she lost the blessing to go to Cici's with the family (so did I). We headed to the farm. She had her bread and the applesauce. On the way driving, she said "Mommy, I love you." I said I love you so much Ava. I love you too much to let you not continue in your disobedience. THEN, I asked "So, are you ready to obey?" She said "No." That's when the Spirit brought the Word to my mind and heart, If you love me you'll keep my commandments.
OBEDIENCE is love. We know what we should do and we will not let go of our perceived rights...we won't give in and trust that God is big enough to handle whatever we are holding on to. We are struggling in life and God offers us something that he desires to help refine and change us because of his unending love and we want to live by our feelings and not by the faith he offers to obey, have self control, received discipline/accountability.
Ava finally gave in and we victoriously climbed another mountain of bonding, love and connection individually and as a family. In the meantime, we bask in the journey of growth, unity and essential truth of learning what it means to fully obey. Simplicty...Depth...
Monday, October 17, 2011
Our Love Story for Haiti: In the News...
Our Love Story for Haiti: In the News...: Here is a link to an article published in a local newspaper about our journey to Haiti! For God's Glory alone.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Our Love Story for Haiti: Other People's Trash...
Our Love Story for Haiti: Other People's Trash...: “My wake up call to serving others ...” Driving back home from dropping the kids off this morning I came across a huge pile of trash outside...
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Life in transition...the power of passion and provision!
The last month has been a tremendous advance of literally being in awe of God's grace, mercy and provision AND confirmation of God's huge work in preparing us for Haiti now and all he has in store for our family when we get there!
It is a little weird not being in youth ministry after 17 years. John says that he has retired from youth ministry and he's moving to the Carribean!
Terah has adopted the philosphy that she is moving to a Carribean island, in a gated community, the richest in her neighborhood! Love it!
I can't believe that it's October and we are only a few short months from something that I could have only dreamed about years ago on our first trip to Haiti many years ago.
We are dwelling in the place of how little and not in control we are in comparison to how BIG our God is and how he's got this-everything is his and under him. What comfort, peace and growth for us as we see him go on before us!
So, we traveled to Zionsville, IN to the NWHCM Headquarters and took our Bible test, had some great meetings and an overview of our mission time. We also took our things/supplies to load on the container to head to Haiti for our family's first 8 months on the mission field. It is an amazing feeling looking at your American two-story house and then at the 5x8 Uhaul and knowing that your family is going to live just fine with only those contents. So, our things are headed to Haiti and we got even more excited meeting Zach and Christie face to face and knowing that God has brought a precious spiritual family together to serve the kingdom together in this season!
Then, we've been walking the journey of traveling and sharing with many people and churches about God's call on our life and theirs as well! Hebrews 11 is not a faith chapter of untouchables...they were believers like you and I who lived in obedience.
- Our call isn't a choice; it's obedience to what God desires for us specifically
- I'd rather live in Haiti and in God's will than America outside of God's will
My prayer is that God is glorified through this time and that His church (people) is inspired to live by faith and in obedience to Him leading to personal and holistic revival...AND then - Prayer! Prayer, prayer, prayer...I never know how serious missionaries were about prayer until now.
We are also trying to spend a lot of time with family and friends before we go and redeem and restore the time. God has truly blessed in order for us to get to Colorado and everywhere we've needed to go along the way. We're praying about whether we suppose to get to Atlanta for the mission convention and NYWC conference in Nov before spending Thanksgiving in San Antonio, TX with my family. I'm also taking a full load in school and sometimes life is a clinging to the Lord for multiplied strength but even in that, it feels that life is crazy now so that it feel like peace and simplicity in Haiti. If it was like that in this season, the next one might be harder. God has purpose in all things and we are blessed beyond measure in great expectation of God's provision!
It is a little weird not being in youth ministry after 17 years. John says that he has retired from youth ministry and he's moving to the Carribean!
Terah has adopted the philosphy that she is moving to a Carribean island, in a gated community, the richest in her neighborhood! Love it!
I can't believe that it's October and we are only a few short months from something that I could have only dreamed about years ago on our first trip to Haiti many years ago.
We are dwelling in the place of how little and not in control we are in comparison to how BIG our God is and how he's got this-everything is his and under him. What comfort, peace and growth for us as we see him go on before us!
So, we traveled to Zionsville, IN to the NWHCM Headquarters and took our Bible test, had some great meetings and an overview of our mission time. We also took our things/supplies to load on the container to head to Haiti for our family's first 8 months on the mission field. It is an amazing feeling looking at your American two-story house and then at the 5x8 Uhaul and knowing that your family is going to live just fine with only those contents. So, our things are headed to Haiti and we got even more excited meeting Zach and Christie face to face and knowing that God has brought a precious spiritual family together to serve the kingdom together in this season!
Then, we've been walking the journey of traveling and sharing with many people and churches about God's call on our life and theirs as well! Hebrews 11 is not a faith chapter of untouchables...they were believers like you and I who lived in obedience.
- Our call isn't a choice; it's obedience to what God desires for us specifically
- I'd rather live in Haiti and in God's will than America outside of God's will
My prayer is that God is glorified through this time and that His church (people) is inspired to live by faith and in obedience to Him leading to personal and holistic revival...AND then - Prayer! Prayer, prayer, prayer...I never know how serious missionaries were about prayer until now.
We are also trying to spend a lot of time with family and friends before we go and redeem and restore the time. God has truly blessed in order for us to get to Colorado and everywhere we've needed to go along the way. We're praying about whether we suppose to get to Atlanta for the mission convention and NYWC conference in Nov before spending Thanksgiving in San Antonio, TX with my family. I'm also taking a full load in school and sometimes life is a clinging to the Lord for multiplied strength but even in that, it feels that life is crazy now so that it feel like peace and simplicity in Haiti. If it was like that in this season, the next one might be harder. God has purpose in all things and we are blessed beyond measure in great expectation of God's provision!
Labels:Haiti, Missions, Love, Faith, discipleship
Friday, August 5, 2011
The face of Jesus in Haiti
It was an incredible time knowing that God has called, released and confirmed our family to move to Haiti for full time missions. This team was sweet as we experienced our passion with students, other Haitian adoption families and friends. They were awesome and from Heartline friends, to GVCM orphanage (where Ava is from) to NWHCM (our future home) we soaked in new experiences and saw God's hand through love. We found a profound truth that poverty is not a lack of stuff but lack of spirit and spiritual poverty is far more spread than Haiti; it's everywhere. Oppression can be easily masked by stuff and business and that is one form of oppression that is exposed and raw in Haiti; not a lot of stuff and not a lot of jobs therefore community happens because there is time for it.
I pray that these encounters were life changing...they have been within me as I anquish over the Haitian people as Paul did over Israel in Romans 9. I desire to share this passion, leaving a legacy. I feel like Peter and John who said in Acts 4:20 that they could not stop speaking about what they had seen and heard. I can't get over Jesus and I am so honored that God chooses to use the foolish things of this world because I get the humbling privelage to live among and grow in Christ with my haitian brothers and sisters...
This week we experienced:
- A still birth where a four month term baby was delivered and we grieved with a broken hearted mother
-MANY VBS's with kids all over the island and with NWHCM nutirition program
- Praying for Voodoo monument at Ansofalor followed by an afternoon at the beach
-Seeing our GVCM family, encouraging pastor Yves, doing spas for the nannies and a godly men's conference and basketball tournament with the boys
-Hut to Hut grocery ministry and clinic
-Praying over a new church plant in Bershae (Pastor Fritz) and bringing them funds for a goat and chicken outreach
-Dedicating newborn twins on the countryside of GVCM and visiting church members and the twins I dedicated three years ago.
-Seeing my daughter's biological mother Betty and also getting to see the union of another adoptive family
-Visiting with ex-campers from our Haiti camp days and seeing one of his friends get saved!
-partaking in the awesome ministries of NWHCM and fellowshipping with our family there
-Doing a "Home Makeover" for a missionary family
-Visiting the jail and brothel, praying and doing devotions in St. Louis de Norde
-Giving love bags at the special needs Miriam Center and Gramoun Center
-Sharing and leading worship with the NWHCM mission teams, and interns
-Got to see our future home and get instructions for shipping and the list of needs to work on in order to get on ground in Haiti in four months!
God has moved mightily and been so good! Awesome God! Awesome mission trip...
Visit http://www.nwhcm.org/ to find out how you can be involved in the kingdom!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Going to our Caanan
I had butterflies as we landed in Port au Prince! It didnt't help that during the whole trip I read Radical by David Platt which stirred my spirit beyond words or expectation! I couldn't wait to hear the regae style music playing and say my first Bonjou! After a year of sabbath, it did not disappoint!
This trip to Haiti was filled with new experiences and confirming peace beyond words. We got to experience a northern rural part of Haiti. Northwest Haiti Christian Mission is a dynamic ministry with grassroots passion that is apparent throughout every represented region/community.
With new relationships and hearts melted together the heart of Haiti held true...joy, love and smiles beyond extreme poverty. The compound that immediately felt like home to our family has the church/Bible College, deaf school, Miriam Center (special needs home; the only one we know of in Haiti), a baby orphanage, an elderly center, nutrition program and hospital, along with an innovative aquaponics project!
Though this week will never be forgotten in our hearts as it solidified our calling and committment to this beautiful island and people, the most dynamic part of my week was the day spent at the brothels and the prison. A lady the I am proud to call sister, Melonnie has built a relationship with prisoners and guards that testifies to the power of God's love. She weekly shares bible study, and fellowship with prostitutes and prisoners. She sees the with Christlike eyes and it is evident that the Holy Spirit's anointing dwells amidst darkness when you are in these places.
I enjoyed joining mission groups who had gathered to buy goats, chickens and groceries for the local communities to put money back into the economy but also to pray about what neighbor they would like to bless with the goods because God calls us to love our neighbor. We witnessed a family committ their life and heart to the Lord on this journey.
Finally after days of holding and loving babies (which is where I found Terah when she was missing) or feeding beautiful children who are pure at heart and free in life because of special needs that some would say are a hinderance to full life; we knew that this mission would change our lives forever.
At the end of the week through prayer and petition we met with Janiel Owen, the second generation director of the mission. The precious Owen family was an unexpected element that God used to in our lives this week - kindred spirits to bear burdens and seek Victory! After John and Janeil shared a sweet time together, I joined them long enough the hear the process and ideas shared of what they felt was God's will...
So, we pray...we wait...we prepare and keep our YES on the alter as God continues to move and stir in our hearts. We reclessly have abandoned all rights and surrender the "American Dream" to our King!
This trip to Haiti was filled with new experiences and confirming peace beyond words. We got to experience a northern rural part of Haiti. Northwest Haiti Christian Mission is a dynamic ministry with grassroots passion that is apparent throughout every represented region/community.
With new relationships and hearts melted together the heart of Haiti held true...joy, love and smiles beyond extreme poverty. The compound that immediately felt like home to our family has the church/Bible College, deaf school, Miriam Center (special needs home; the only one we know of in Haiti), a baby orphanage, an elderly center, nutrition program and hospital, along with an innovative aquaponics project!
Though this week will never be forgotten in our hearts as it solidified our calling and committment to this beautiful island and people, the most dynamic part of my week was the day spent at the brothels and the prison. A lady the I am proud to call sister, Melonnie has built a relationship with prisoners and guards that testifies to the power of God's love. She weekly shares bible study, and fellowship with prostitutes and prisoners. She sees the with Christlike eyes and it is evident that the Holy Spirit's anointing dwells amidst darkness when you are in these places.
I enjoyed joining mission groups who had gathered to buy goats, chickens and groceries for the local communities to put money back into the economy but also to pray about what neighbor they would like to bless with the goods because God calls us to love our neighbor. We witnessed a family committ their life and heart to the Lord on this journey.
Finally after days of holding and loving babies (which is where I found Terah when she was missing) or feeding beautiful children who are pure at heart and free in life because of special needs that some would say are a hinderance to full life; we knew that this mission would change our lives forever.
At the end of the week through prayer and petition we met with Janiel Owen, the second generation director of the mission. The precious Owen family was an unexpected element that God used to in our lives this week - kindred spirits to bear burdens and seek Victory! After John and Janeil shared a sweet time together, I joined them long enough the hear the process and ideas shared of what they felt was God's will...
So, we pray...we wait...we prepare and keep our YES on the alter as God continues to move and stir in our hearts. We reclessly have abandoned all rights and surrender the "American Dream" to our King!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Looking ahead and yet obedience now...
Have you ever felt God stirring and doing a mighty work and yet there are "growing pains?" I feel like when Paul writes that He wants to know God in the power of the Resurrection that my heart goes, "YES!" Let's live believing the incredible truths of His Word! Then, God says death comes before the Resurrection...ok, Salvation? Got it! Well, then there's being refined by fire. Whoa, fire does not feel good but if that's what it takes in order for my reflection to be Jesus to a lost and dying world, broken and hurting...(deep breath) I surrender all- which is so odd to say because I don't even feel that it's mine to surrender, it's God's, always has been.
A friend of mine is leaving tomorrow to go to Haiti. I am happy for her and yet my heart so longs to be there among the people, culture and country that God has put a supernatural love and desire for. We are currently praying and planning to be back in Haiti early June. I will be one year, almost exactly since the last time we were there. The longest stretch in seven years. The Lord has graciously placed Haiti in our home daily and we have focused on our family's transition and completion of Ava's adoption. God has done other incredible things in Haitian relationships along the journey and Yves calls, facebook with Haitian friends and blogs from GO, GVCM, NWHCM, and Heartline keep us connected and praying for our dear friends committed to Haiti; but not one day passes that my constant prayers, memories and thoughts are far from my heart. As I often do, last night I dreampt of being in Haiti. The people, children, expression, colors, smells...I am yearning to step off of the plane as the warm air hits my face, hearing the tropical drums as the welcome music plays and I see the smiling faces of the Haitian people and of course baggering, and chaos!
In the meantime, faithfulness, full obedience where God has us. Dying to self, learning full submission.
James 1:19 and keeping my eyes on Christ, abiding in love amidst any storm or tribulation while being fully committed as a wife, mommy and student is where God has me. I am content because I trust the ONE who is in Control. That's where I am - we need prayer, we need support in various ways and encouragement. God is faithful...can I be? Phil. 4:13

Thursday, April 14, 2011
Weekend in DC - IJM
This weekend was dynamic in my life in many ways. I took my almost ten year old daughter, a girl I mentor and her mom to an International Justice Mission Conference in Washington D.C. We saw the memorials, museums and rich history of DC ; surrounded by the political unrest of budget and economy circling around our visit (God is in control!) We attended the annual IJM Global Prayer Gathering and encountered worship with 1,000 prayer warriors and trained for awareness of how to be a local voice and impact our community. We prepared and learned how to lobby before Congress for Justice and the release of oppression!
1. When I got there I felt a little envious of all of the young professionals and lobbyists pursuing careers in political social justice. I remembered the ambitious college student that I once was as a political science major. I stood amazed at God's will by the end of the weekend. After I shared this time with my precious oldest and disciple, being reminded of the incredible gifts of my children are and how awesome my husband is! I was confident of a reaffirmed assurance of my calling in life. I returned home so thankful for my path and God's journey for me.
2. After hearing many stories and testimonies of children, families and women who have been enslaved, abused and oppressed, I was reminded of my own story. I knew that the only hope for them was Christ. I was strengthened by the truth that there is power in our testimony! Without shame, we are not products of our pasts, but results of a mighty God who takes our messed up lives, creates a beautiful work and makes it a message of His Good News!
So, joining in the freedom of the people who God has delivered through IJM:
- I was born by an unmarried teenage girl
-After being adopted, my parents divorced
-I am cuban and most of my family is white; I have always felt different
-My dad and mom have both died, leaving me an orphan once again at a very young age
- I made some really poor choices in college conforming to the world
Praise God he uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. 1 Cor.1:27
3. I met so many incredible kingdom and justice seekers who desire to live a life for Christ that leaves a legacy of love; I was reminded that we are not alone! I was empowered and encouraged at who God is and where he is at work globally. I saw Him in my daughter and student! I was blessed beyond measure. As we attended the training to lobby on Captiol Hill before congress for human trafficking; I deeply knew then and know now that what Satan means to destory; God uses for good!
4. Thinking of the brothel near the mission we are going to in Haiti...I was moved to pray and reminded of the power of prayer! - BROKEN - passionate about the purposes of Christ and his mission to seek and save the lost and set the captive free! Oh, that we may be a vessel that loves in such a way to heal broken hearts! Thank you IJM... Then, the weekend finalized by a confirmation that IJM is not yet called to go to Haiti. More heartbreak for a different reason...
Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
Psalm 33:20 We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.
Psalm 37:7Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.
Psalm 38:15 LORD, I wait for you; you will answer, Lord my God.
Our God is good all of the time No matter what!
1. When I got there I felt a little envious of all of the young professionals and lobbyists pursuing careers in political social justice. I remembered the ambitious college student that I once was as a political science major. I stood amazed at God's will by the end of the weekend. After I shared this time with my precious oldest and disciple, being reminded of the incredible gifts of my children are and how awesome my husband is! I was confident of a reaffirmed assurance of my calling in life. I returned home so thankful for my path and God's journey for me.
2. After hearing many stories and testimonies of children, families and women who have been enslaved, abused and oppressed, I was reminded of my own story. I knew that the only hope for them was Christ. I was strengthened by the truth that there is power in our testimony! Without shame, we are not products of our pasts, but results of a mighty God who takes our messed up lives, creates a beautiful work and makes it a message of His Good News!
So, joining in the freedom of the people who God has delivered through IJM:
- I was born by an unmarried teenage girl
-After being adopted, my parents divorced
-I am cuban and most of my family is white; I have always felt different
-My dad and mom have both died, leaving me an orphan once again at a very young age
- I made some really poor choices in college conforming to the world
Praise God he uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. 1 Cor.1:27
3. I met so many incredible kingdom and justice seekers who desire to live a life for Christ that leaves a legacy of love; I was reminded that we are not alone! I was empowered and encouraged at who God is and where he is at work globally. I saw Him in my daughter and student! I was blessed beyond measure. As we attended the training to lobby on Captiol Hill before congress for human trafficking; I deeply knew then and know now that what Satan means to destory; God uses for good!
4. Thinking of the brothel near the mission we are going to in Haiti...I was moved to pray and reminded of the power of prayer! - BROKEN - passionate about the purposes of Christ and his mission to seek and save the lost and set the captive free! Oh, that we may be a vessel that loves in such a way to heal broken hearts! Thank you IJM... Then, the weekend finalized by a confirmation that IJM is not yet called to go to Haiti. More heartbreak for a different reason...
Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
Psalm 33:20 We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.
Psalm 37:7Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.
Psalm 38:15 LORD, I wait for you; you will answer, Lord my God.
Our God is good all of the time No matter what!
Monday, March 28, 2011
I feel like I've got to get better about this blogging thing. Lately, I feel like there is so much tugging at me to improve. I'm striving to exsist in each moment receiving solace in God's grace and what it means to be faithful and obedient right where you are. I have so much to share but struggle knowing where to start and how to communicate.
So, we just got back from taking 11 teenagers to Mission Waco's Poverty Simulation, where we live homeless or in poverty for one weekend. It was my second time to experience the injustices and life of those in poverty or homeless; some by choices, or some by circumstance of a life that has shown them nothing else. The weekend is challenging and holds you accountable to things that we happen to be very passionate about, yet get seperated from where we currently minister and seek to share God's love. Then, there's the struggle...do we lack faith to take risks to live beyond comfort zones that keep us from truly being the light in darkness? If we believe in incarnational ministry...are we living that out? We ask questions, probe the gospel and wrestle with God as he affirms his call and will for our life and leaves us with a peace that comes from freedom in Christ. We have challenged ourself to grasp the newness of life that the New Testement brings. It was the Old Testament that said our tithe to God is 1/10. The New Testement faith was about selfless sacrifice. In a Compassion Video shown over the weekend, I giggled as the speaker sang, maybe we should change the hymn to "One -tenth to Jesus I surrender, One-Tenth to him I freely give...I surrender one-tenth, I surrender one-tenth." It sounds humerous yet transparency, accountability, and the things that the Acts 2 community God intended to be the church seem to be foreign or difficult to embrace.
Just enough Jesus seems adequate for most of society professing christianity...
Christ has redeemed me, loves me unconditionally and has completely changed my life and shows me daily how to live and abide in Him...I don't want to conform to being satisfied with going through the motions of any form of religious tradition. I don't want a lukewarm faith to be what defines my children's hunger for living out the kingdom of God. So, by faith we doing something about it. As always, I do not know how? God has obviously moved mountains before and he makes streams in the desert, therefore I will trust Him. We are clinging to Matthew 6:33
I am wrapping up the last of my Social Work degree; and ironically feel led to pursue and EMT certification on top of it. Ok, will do! Next...the International Justice Mission is an ogranization that fights injustices such as human trafficing, forced prostitution and child labor. Through politics and missions they are exposing the darkness and helping heal hearts and rescue lives all over the world. In April, I am taking my daughter and a teenager I mentor to Washington D.C. to and IJM Global prayer conference and Advocacy training to hear about where God is at work locally and globally. I hope they come back with an awarness that inspires them to change the world, with a broader Christian world view but mostly a broken heart leading to deep compassion. It was the attribute of Jesus that kept him from denying those who needed healing and hope.
So, I committed by faith to that journey. THEN, my husband tells me that we are suppose to go to Haiti and visit and organization that has been building kindredship and God has melted our hearts together with for the past year. When? In April! Oh, well, immediately I am questioning the Washington trip that we have by faith invested in and now with greater faith are proceeding to go. Isn't that what Jesus said, to go! Ok, our yes is on the alter and we will willingly go where you are leading us and our family. In the meantime there are struggles, spiritual warfare in the least expected places.
Please pray for us. A hedge of protection, a steadfast strength and that we would receive faith from God that grows us daily. My children- They are awesome and beautiful, such treasures... God would hold them securly as we will travel quite a bit in April. My husband is currently coaching (1. because he loves investing in youth 2. for extra finances) on top of his pastorship. Then, I am balancing college, as well my first priority, homemaking and temporarily homeschooling a friend's 6th grader that is going through some struggles. For us all to have faith, seek Malachi 6:8 and through prayer have peace for whatever God has in store for our family. The journey is fun and exciting! I will not live asking questions about tomorrow but by faith walk through today loving and trusting...
So, we just got back from taking 11 teenagers to Mission Waco's Poverty Simulation, where we live homeless or in poverty for one weekend. It was my second time to experience the injustices and life of those in poverty or homeless; some by choices, or some by circumstance of a life that has shown them nothing else. The weekend is challenging and holds you accountable to things that we happen to be very passionate about, yet get seperated from where we currently minister and seek to share God's love. Then, there's the struggle...do we lack faith to take risks to live beyond comfort zones that keep us from truly being the light in darkness? If we believe in incarnational ministry...are we living that out? We ask questions, probe the gospel and wrestle with God as he affirms his call and will for our life and leaves us with a peace that comes from freedom in Christ. We have challenged ourself to grasp the newness of life that the New Testement brings. It was the Old Testament that said our tithe to God is 1/10. The New Testement faith was about selfless sacrifice. In a Compassion Video shown over the weekend, I giggled as the speaker sang, maybe we should change the hymn to "One -tenth to Jesus I surrender, One-Tenth to him I freely give...I surrender one-tenth, I surrender one-tenth." It sounds humerous yet transparency, accountability, and the things that the Acts 2 community God intended to be the church seem to be foreign or difficult to embrace.
Just enough Jesus seems adequate for most of society professing christianity...
Christ has redeemed me, loves me unconditionally and has completely changed my life and shows me daily how to live and abide in Him...I don't want to conform to being satisfied with going through the motions of any form of religious tradition. I don't want a lukewarm faith to be what defines my children's hunger for living out the kingdom of God. So, by faith we doing something about it. As always, I do not know how? God has obviously moved mountains before and he makes streams in the desert, therefore I will trust Him. We are clinging to Matthew 6:33
I am wrapping up the last of my Social Work degree; and ironically feel led to pursue and EMT certification on top of it. Ok, will do! Next...the International Justice Mission is an ogranization that fights injustices such as human trafficing, forced prostitution and child labor. Through politics and missions they are exposing the darkness and helping heal hearts and rescue lives all over the world. In April, I am taking my daughter and a teenager I mentor to Washington D.C. to and IJM Global prayer conference and Advocacy training to hear about where God is at work locally and globally. I hope they come back with an awarness that inspires them to change the world, with a broader Christian world view but mostly a broken heart leading to deep compassion. It was the attribute of Jesus that kept him from denying those who needed healing and hope.
So, I committed by faith to that journey. THEN, my husband tells me that we are suppose to go to Haiti and visit and organization that has been building kindredship and God has melted our hearts together with for the past year. When? In April! Oh, well, immediately I am questioning the Washington trip that we have by faith invested in and now with greater faith are proceeding to go. Isn't that what Jesus said, to go! Ok, our yes is on the alter and we will willingly go where you are leading us and our family. In the meantime there are struggles, spiritual warfare in the least expected places.
Please pray for us. A hedge of protection, a steadfast strength and that we would receive faith from God that grows us daily. My children- They are awesome and beautiful, such treasures... God would hold them securly as we will travel quite a bit in April. My husband is currently coaching (1. because he loves investing in youth 2. for extra finances) on top of his pastorship. Then, I am balancing college, as well my first priority, homemaking and temporarily homeschooling a friend's 6th grader that is going through some struggles. For us all to have faith, seek Malachi 6:8 and through prayer have peace for whatever God has in store for our family. The journey is fun and exciting! I will not live asking questions about tomorrow but by faith walk through today loving and trusting...
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Haiti Spring Break
I am praying that God opens a door and provides a way for our family to go to Haiti for Spring Break Missions!
I am praying that God opens a door and provides a way for our family to go to Haiti for Spring Break Missions!
Labels:Haiti, Missions, Love, Faith, discipleship
Friday, January 7, 2011
Here I am 6 months later!!! This morning I heard the mountain moving testimony of the Mestas's, a precious family and Ethiopian adoptions; I am so inspired and encouraged... I was also reminded of the need to share our stories and tell of the wonderful things that the Lord has done!
To catch up on where we are in life...
John graduated from seminary with his masters and I started back to school full-time. I am wrapping up my associates degree which seems odd when you return to college after twelve years; now I have to transfer in order to complete my bachelors degree. I am initially majoring in Social Work. I will begin doing homestudies for adoption families as I complete my Masters in Social Work/Counseling...then, who knows maybe doctorite in Counseling. Some wise counsel told me that if you ever want to do Christian counseling then it brings legitimacy to the ministry. I have learned to join the Lord where he is and not plan too much but by faith, and prayer look to God in the present.
Our family is doing incredible. Jordan is flourishing in speech therapy. TK is a missionary daily, growing up, seeking justice and blessing us tremendously. Ava loves dance class and has started a two day class where she loves her friends and "school." We literally exsist in awe daily of God's work in life and ministry!
I want to share this week...
As I drove to get Ava from "school" I saw three travelers and felt strongly like I should stop for them...2 men, 1 female VERY pregnant. All I could think of as the got in the vehicle was a message from a mission trip to Chicago with Power Plant two years ago. In the Word, God's messengers would travel and were told to find homes of peace to go to and stay in as they went from place to place. I thought of so many who fear being a home of peace and therefore how do these vagabonds have a haven (especially in an area that has no shelters because they don't want to attract those kinds of people). They shared that they slept in an empty field the night before in the cold. I could tell how tired the pregnant young girl looked and knew that I should offer a meal and a place to shower. They were thankful and they came to our home to share God's blessings...as we shared life they showered and ate.
She shared life's road for her up to this point; she was traveling to AZ to go to her mom (who had her 4yr old) because they were going to be homeless in FL. The story was long and proved that life is hard. She was 8 months pregnant with her baby boy and we had some incredible conversations about our worth to God, his love for us and the gift of her children.
Then, there were the guys...One had been born and raised Hippie literally. He believed in Zen/Good people; feel good...led to good conversations of truth and Christ but mostly us living out the gospel and love in a tangible way! I got to dread his hair which was fun!
Then, there was Skye, the youngest of the crew, 19 and left home to travel and experience life (living off the land) after gradution rebelling against his Mormon upbringing, headed back to Utah to go home to a mom I know missed him and a little brother whom I could tell that he missed.
Our family was blessed as we shared our stories...they stayed the night and rested. We wrestled with obedience and faith, knowing that our mom's said to be safe but many times the Word challenges us to take risks of faith to be God's hands and feet and live out the kingdom of love. We took precautions and yet went to bed with such a peace and thankful that God chose our family to live out love with this group.
I was saddened that we knew more about them than most of the people we have superficially known for three years; we enjoyed a night of authenic transparency that we don't get often with "clean people who seem to have it together."
Then, as our friends and the body of Christ came together we were able to put them on a bus together the next morning to AZ. They were blown away; they never asked for anything and yet our paths crossed purposefully and she did not need to be traveling as close to having the baby as she was.
Then, one day later we enjoyed watching dad coach his basketball team. We went home thinking dad would be on his way soon after the game. Then, I got his call "Well, we've got another friend for the night. I'll be home soon."
And I smiled inside and began making preparations. John sweetly told me the story later for locking up the church after game and seeing the traveler. He said, "Really Lord? Again."
This was Chris and middle aged mentally handicap sweet Brother in Christ.
He needed a place to stay out of the cold and was going from church to church where he was finding no help. He told a funny story of his last stop before our church where they handed out gas cards to people who needed help. When he said he had no car they said sorry bye as he passed through crowds of people who just looked at him.
I think that God was messing with John because after sharing the he just got back from CA for his grandma's funeral and was on his way to Arkansas by bus, John asked, "Are you going back to family in AR? He said no, my mom and dad are dead but I was able to forgive my mom for abusing me before he died in jail. John said, Oh, that's good and what about your mom? He replied, "I killed her."
John thought, well I'm going to die and everyone is going to say, I knew those Barnes were crazy picking up people off the road, and I know where I'm going if I do or I'll live. He drove down the access road from the church and decided I am stopping at McDonald's before I take this guy home! So, they pulled in and Chris explained from John's prodding that his parents had him late in life and that weakend his mom who died early in his childhood. His dad always told him he killed his mom, resented him and that is why he abused him.
Then, as they sat to eat he says, Did you know I carry a weapon? John chokes on his food when he pulls out his Bible and says the sword! LOL! Chris shared about his work at his church with the youth group and it moved us as we were challenged by whether someone like Chris would be accepted among our parents working with the students? He wanted fellowship, acceptance and love and did not go to sleep until around 3a.m. (thankfully, he kept Earl -our oldest up!)
Chris's hygeine was the worst yet and I was brough to tears (and gags/literally!) as I washed his clothes because I was so blessed that God chose me to serve this sweet man.
As we went to bed that night, I said John, isn't it awesome to be God's hands and feet? He said, "Earlier this week we were Jesus but tonight we got to be with Jesus! He was so right!
Matthew 25
I was hungry and you gave me something to eat...I was a stranger and you invited me in.
Whatever you did for the least of these you did for me!
To catch up on where we are in life...
John graduated from seminary with his masters and I started back to school full-time. I am wrapping up my associates degree which seems odd when you return to college after twelve years; now I have to transfer in order to complete my bachelors degree. I am initially majoring in Social Work. I will begin doing homestudies for adoption families as I complete my Masters in Social Work/Counseling...then, who knows maybe doctorite in Counseling. Some wise counsel told me that if you ever want to do Christian counseling then it brings legitimacy to the ministry. I have learned to join the Lord where he is and not plan too much but by faith, and prayer look to God in the present.
Our family is doing incredible. Jordan is flourishing in speech therapy. TK is a missionary daily, growing up, seeking justice and blessing us tremendously. Ava loves dance class and has started a two day class where she loves her friends and "school." We literally exsist in awe daily of God's work in life and ministry!
I want to share this week...
As I drove to get Ava from "school" I saw three travelers and felt strongly like I should stop for them...2 men, 1 female VERY pregnant. All I could think of as the got in the vehicle was a message from a mission trip to Chicago with Power Plant two years ago. In the Word, God's messengers would travel and were told to find homes of peace to go to and stay in as they went from place to place. I thought of so many who fear being a home of peace and therefore how do these vagabonds have a haven (especially in an area that has no shelters because they don't want to attract those kinds of people). They shared that they slept in an empty field the night before in the cold. I could tell how tired the pregnant young girl looked and knew that I should offer a meal and a place to shower. They were thankful and they came to our home to share God's blessings...as we shared life they showered and ate.
She shared life's road for her up to this point; she was traveling to AZ to go to her mom (who had her 4yr old) because they were going to be homeless in FL. The story was long and proved that life is hard. She was 8 months pregnant with her baby boy and we had some incredible conversations about our worth to God, his love for us and the gift of her children.
Then, there were the guys...One had been born and raised Hippie literally. He believed in Zen/Good people; feel good...led to good conversations of truth and Christ but mostly us living out the gospel and love in a tangible way! I got to dread his hair which was fun!
Then, there was Skye, the youngest of the crew, 19 and left home to travel and experience life (living off the land) after gradution rebelling against his Mormon upbringing, headed back to Utah to go home to a mom I know missed him and a little brother whom I could tell that he missed.
Our family was blessed as we shared our stories...they stayed the night and rested. We wrestled with obedience and faith, knowing that our mom's said to be safe but many times the Word challenges us to take risks of faith to be God's hands and feet and live out the kingdom of love. We took precautions and yet went to bed with such a peace and thankful that God chose our family to live out love with this group.
I was saddened that we knew more about them than most of the people we have superficially known for three years; we enjoyed a night of authenic transparency that we don't get often with "clean people who seem to have it together."
Then, as our friends and the body of Christ came together we were able to put them on a bus together the next morning to AZ. They were blown away; they never asked for anything and yet our paths crossed purposefully and she did not need to be traveling as close to having the baby as she was.
Then, one day later we enjoyed watching dad coach his basketball team. We went home thinking dad would be on his way soon after the game. Then, I got his call "Well, we've got another friend for the night. I'll be home soon."
And I smiled inside and began making preparations. John sweetly told me the story later for locking up the church after game and seeing the traveler. He said, "Really Lord? Again."
This was Chris and middle aged mentally handicap sweet Brother in Christ.
He needed a place to stay out of the cold and was going from church to church where he was finding no help. He told a funny story of his last stop before our church where they handed out gas cards to people who needed help. When he said he had no car they said sorry bye as he passed through crowds of people who just looked at him.
I think that God was messing with John because after sharing the he just got back from CA for his grandma's funeral and was on his way to Arkansas by bus, John asked, "Are you going back to family in AR? He said no, my mom and dad are dead but I was able to forgive my mom for abusing me before he died in jail. John said, Oh, that's good and what about your mom? He replied, "I killed her."
John thought, well I'm going to die and everyone is going to say, I knew those Barnes were crazy picking up people off the road, and I know where I'm going if I do or I'll live. He drove down the access road from the church and decided I am stopping at McDonald's before I take this guy home! So, they pulled in and Chris explained from John's prodding that his parents had him late in life and that weakend his mom who died early in his childhood. His dad always told him he killed his mom, resented him and that is why he abused him.
Then, as they sat to eat he says, Did you know I carry a weapon? John chokes on his food when he pulls out his Bible and says the sword! LOL! Chris shared about his work at his church with the youth group and it moved us as we were challenged by whether someone like Chris would be accepted among our parents working with the students? He wanted fellowship, acceptance and love and did not go to sleep until around 3a.m. (thankfully, he kept Earl -our oldest up!)
Chris's hygeine was the worst yet and I was brough to tears (and gags/literally!) as I washed his clothes because I was so blessed that God chose me to serve this sweet man.
As we went to bed that night, I said John, isn't it awesome to be God's hands and feet? He said, "Earlier this week we were Jesus but tonight we got to be with Jesus! He was so right!
Matthew 25
I was hungry and you gave me something to eat...I was a stranger and you invited me in.
Whatever you did for the least of these you did for me!
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