Wednesday, November 2, 2011


God is growing us so much through this journey but primarily the lesson for us through this season is Obedience.  We are also seeing so many blessings!  God's provision has been truly incredible. 
Mother Theresa's statement:  "We should live more simply, so that other's may simply live." This put me on a track pondering how God's desire is for us to be Deep and Simple and yet our society is Shallow and complicated.  We even have a facebook page status for relationships that glories in It's complicated.
I am seeking God's heart for simplicity in our life and depth of heart, soul and spirit.

What I wanted to share about obedience includes are haitian daughter Ava Grace.  Last week Ava had a rough week in school.  Self control with actions, voice volume and choices (primarily with food) are her issues...(hey, sometimes they're mine to.) We've realized with Ava that the most effective discipline for her is to remove her choices so that WE are in control and caring for her and she is not in control and therefore taking care of herself. If she never trusts someone who purely loves her to care for her than she may never develop the means to receive God's gifts of grace and faith to fully trust HIM to be in control of her life and to trust HIS love.
 In the morning, if we didn't make a full breakfast like pancakes than each child chooses something like cereal, oatmeal, fruit or toast.  So, purposing to instill within her self control and balancing behavior we gave her a breakfast of applesauce and cinnam0n raisin toast; with no choice to choose just placed before her.  She refused to eat it.  So, it was brought out for the next meal...and the next...until she submitted.  During this struggle of the wills, we visited grandparents and they wanted to take our family to Cici's.  Ava LOVES a buffet!  We explained that if she would obey and eat the cinnamon toast for snack simply because she trusts our choices for her, love her and TOLD her to than she could have what she wanted and join the family but if she did not obey, she could not.  It would hurt us and her.  She refused.  She would look at, even lay by the bread, obviously hungry and yearning to obey but would not.  She put some in her mouth but would not swallow.  Therefore she lost the blessing to go to Cici's with the family (so did I). We headed to the farm.  She had her bread and the applesauce.  On the way driving, she said "Mommy, I love you."  I said I love you so much Ava.  I love you too much to let you not continue in your disobedience.  THEN, I asked "So, are you ready to obey?"  She said "No."  That's when the Spirit brought the Word to my mind and heart, If you love me you'll keep my commandments. 
OBEDIENCE is love.  We know what we should do and we will not let go of our perceived rights...we won't give in and trust that God is big enough to handle whatever we are holding on to.  We are struggling in life and God offers us something that he desires to help refine and change us because of his unending love and we want to live by our feelings and not by the faith he offers to obey, have self control, received discipline/accountability. 
Ava finally gave in and we victoriously climbed another mountain of bonding, love and connection individually and as a family.  In the meantime, we bask in the journey of growth, unity and essential truth of learning what it means to fully obey. Simplicty...Depth...

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