Thursday, December 1, 2011


Thankfulness means different things to different people.  Like no other time in my life; no matter what - I am thankful.  1 Thess. 5:18 says in all circumstances to be thankful for this is God's will for you.  No matter what, I am thankful.  We just celebrated Thanksgiving and as we focused on our many blessings I thought of our new life in Haiti and then my thoughts went to the many haitians that are thankful with far less than we have.  Would we be thankful in their circumstances.  It was hard to say bye to my sister for eight months; good byes are getting very real. We had to give our family dog to a family who could care for her and our children are broken hearted as they experience sacrifice.  I am thankful that God uses the foolish things of this world and so thankful for this call and transition though it's not easy.  We just moved out of our house.  I'm tired, emotional and yet at peace and truly thankful.  This holiday season; I pray that our focus is on our Savior like never before and that no matter what as we move to Haiti and many of our dreams come true.  Though, this is not a fairy tale of is full of joy, peace and love and we are thankful for all we have, our family and friends and truth!

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