Monday, January 2, 2012

When squeezed...

We are here.  We live in Haiti.  Saying those words is still incredible and we are.  We aren't even at our home mission and our first week in Haiti has taught and shown us so much.  We realize that we are in a marathon; not a sprint.  We are here long term, not for a week mission with a team trying to accomplish big tasks.  As we watch, we have seen spiritual warfare attack in different ways than you would think.  Mountains that our made out of mole hills, or letting worldliness take your eyes off Jesus and from keeping a kingdom perspective. We also see that no magical thing happens to anyone on the plane ride to Haiti. What you were in the States is what you are here but when we are out of our comfort zone, we're squeezed. When squeezed, "What comes out?" Who has control?

I've seen that when we have expectation towards others and situations it is easy to be discouraged and frustrated.

 It's not the sharks that kill you here but the minnows that bite and pick daily wearing you down.  The need to abide in the Spirit is important.  We continue to seek wisdom so we can see clearly with the eyes of Christ and love with his heart.
Two short days with the McHouls has invigorated our hearts.  They, after 20+ years in Haiti are free.  They are not embittered.  Jon said this morning that," How can you be in God's will and not be happy!  I love living here.  It can be hard but it is wonderful!"  That attitude is what I pray for; that we will remain contagious and full of the joy of the Lord.  That our love for God and people brings HIM glory.

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