Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Barnes' Family in Haiti : What I love...

The Barnes' Family in Haiti : What I love...: Though I OFTEN find myself humming..."Mama said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this Mama said."  I also f...

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Barnes' Family in Haiti : What I see...

The Barnes' Family in Haiti : What I see...: I fondly call Fridays... Family Fun Fritay Friday.  I love Fridays.  We always have fritay for dinner; in Haiti that means some type of frie...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Mother's (Day) Devotional

With American Mother's Day just passed and Haitian Mother's Day coming up...yep, I get 2 Mother's Days (*Haiti perk!)  I am filled with awareness of the gift and power of parenthood and honor of what being a Mom means.

On Mother's Day, we had the blessing of sharing time with our friends in Houston, TX.  As we shared Sunday morning with a sweet fellowship there was a time of opportunity for Vanah, the first graduate of House of Moses, to answer questions.  One of the questions was what is the difference in an orphanage and a house of leadership and discipleship?  She rightly answered the spiritual growth but then continued to speak of the restorative and healing power of having parents.  With tears from her and every woman in the room, she shared stories of things that our family has shared over the last year speaking of memories of mother and fatherhood.  It was a humbling realization to identify how amazing it is to be chosen and used by God to reflect his glory and be a vessel of healing through His love. 

For the first time in two years we are not sharing Mother's and Father's Day in Haiti, and we sure miss our kids...our full house of love, joy and at times wonderful chaos!  They sent gorgeous pictures that they took after church on Mother's Day.  I have looked at those beautiful pictures a thousand times praying over each of their hearts, expecting God for great things in their futures and so thankful that God has blessed us with each child that we have the honor of parenting, discipling & mentoring and mostly just plain loving.

As Haitian Mother's Day approaches I want to give the gift to our family...
A look at John 2: Thoughts through devotion

Some think that John was writing to the church as the "chosen lady" in verse 1 and then some think it is directly to a woman in the body of Christ...whichever it is, as a mother I love this letter and 3 John.
It gives a framework for me to speak to you as a mom through this letter...  My greatest gift as a Mother on Mother's Day and always is you...the fruit of your life, the legacy that you leave your children and grandchildren.

2 John   Read through 2 John and as you do look at the below comments for the verses
*Verse 1: I love that he refers to her as the CHOSEN!  We are so awesomely chosen by God to be his and he has chosen the beautiful lives which He alone has joined to be a family.  I pray that their is an anointing upon us (Mother & Children as referred to in this letter) because of TRUTH! 
*Verse 2: Favor because of the power of God's unfailing truth.
*Verse 3: May the Lord continue to be strongly with us because of his grace, mercy, and peace
*Verse 4: When I think about how incredible it is that John recognized that the children were walking in the truth, just as the Father has asked - This is my prayer and it is my great joy to have a testimony that my children are walking as God asks
*Verse 5: Then, the reminder to live in love for one another.  I pray that we are consumed in love; that it encompasses our home and family, our hearts!
*Verse 6: That our love for Christ is so evident because of our obedience to his command of love.  That everything in us flows from the power of love
*Verse 7:  Know that there are so many deceivers and why?  Because they are walking in the the ways of the world.  Do Not compromise.  Everywhere around you are people who use their place of leadership for corrupt means - Don't settle.  You have seen and experience such the brokeness of those who claim Christ and live apart from the Word and His ways.  Be different for His glory, for bondage to be broken...
*Verse 8:  The enemy wants to steal what God is building up.  As Gal.6:9 says, Don't give up...Mom says, Don't give will be blessed!  (Matt. 6:33)
*Verse 9: Perservere!  Stand firm in your faith - Remain humble as you seek to live out God's kingdom on Earth
*Verse 10&11: Don't just let anyone influence you... Remember that Satan is masked as an angel of light.  He looks good but truly is not, is evil, is anything but good for you and your life.
*Verse 12:  Parents have so much to let their children know...John was full of words for the church or a messge for this woman...He couldn't put it all on paper.  This is on paper only because I am not with you presently to hold your hand, hug you or just gather around and talk.  When we are joined together as John said to close this letter, our joy is complete.
*Verse 13:  We send our greetings always because we keep you in our hearts and prayers always with such sincere and genuine love!  

As the letters continue from John in 3 John...the beautiful testimony continues!  Oh how powerful it is to be known for, through and by the things in this letter.
In closing 3 John 1:4 -  I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth!  Love, Love, Love this in our Lord's Word and Love, Love, Love you!
My dear, precious children:  Read these letters to the church in John and continue to live it!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Who I am...Chosen with purpose!

As a young pastor's wife I used to wonder when I would reach maturity that would make me the "model" pastor's wife...would I learn to play the piano or organ, learn to be less demonstrative, passionate or simply quiet.  Would wisdom teach me when to speak and when not too?  All of these things circled within my heart and mind and I rest that I am found worthy covered in the blood

Years have passed and the more I see the wives of leaders the more I am convinced that God uses messed up, broken things and that maybe this choas that he has redeemed within me is exactly what it needs to be to live the life he's called us to.

I am the blessed wife of an incredible leader.  I am honored that I am the mother of countless children, all whom have been birthed through love and the gospel through biological, adoption, and discipled/mentored means as a gift of which I far from deserve.

If my life ended today; I am more than abundantly blessed with far more than some search their whole lives to find.

I am a great many things, outside of Christ all amount to very little...
I wrestle with the balance of raw authencity and transparent genuiness that is unrestrained with rectless abandonement for God and man

I have messed up more times than I can count and I have experienced victory more times than I should have had the privlege of

I have learned so much and yet have countless more things to learn

I am in a daily battle; yet consumed with peace that passes all understanding

I don't knowGod's reasoning for a great many things except that He is God and I am not.
I continue to struggle with the whys and hows but I have been created for a life beyond myself...

My passions, my convictions they daily drive me - inspire me to live this life far beyond earthly seek the eternal-the unseen...absolute greatness of seeing lives changed and souls saved for the glory of God

Unashamedly I have courage...I don't know why-I shouldn't. I am nothing and yet I KNOW in Christ I have all authority through Him and therefore I fear nothing because I trust in HIM Alone; I wonder if I share with David, Moses, Paul or Peter and even more humbly JESUS

I love so deeply...So deeply that I feel it's passions become offensive - OFTEN and yet I am not sorry.
I love Jesus and I am so thankful for His love of me; For His grace and mercy

The truth shall set us free and in that truth I need the freedom of the power of the Spirit to stir more justice, grace and mercy within me - Forgiveness - Righteousness

I am thankful He chose me and ever so imperfectly I live in that purpose and calling and desire more everday to know HIM more, be used mightily, in great faith to expect Him to show up and show out, to live fully who He created me to be and to see HIM made famous  NO MATTER WHAT

His love story in our lives is beyond explaination
and yet He is the answer

Sunday, April 14, 2013

God's Big Kiss

A few weeks ago God gave us a big kiss by a visit from an inspiring young missionary to Venenzuela, Natalie.  She shared ministry in South America and we had a sweet week together.
She shared how her and some college students brush lice out of the natives hair because in their culture they don't brush their hair.  One head of hair takes 3 days and multiple hours per day in the process to brush out bugs, knits (eggs), medically shampoo, etc.   She talked about judgements and comments received from ministry such as this:
-Why don't you teach them to do it themselves... (Where would they get the medicated shampoo?)
-Isn't there something More effective you can do for the gospel?

But as you see her passion for the natives and pictures showing the relationships built and how much love was shared in this simple ministry time and process, you ask yourself...Why do we have to judge each other's calling and way we minister?

Satan's efforts to kill, steal and destroy what God is building up are evident.  I remember reading and being told early on from the Brumleys at Global that the #1 reason missionaries leave the mission field is interpersonal conflict with other missionaries!  I didn't/couldn't believe it at the time.  What?!  Surely not, but in our experience we've seen that to be very true.  It's nuts and yet it's real.

Why does one ministry have to be right and another wrong?

Then, we had the beyond blessed week with Sonlight ministry.  We were so encouraged by their incredible kingdom excellence in ministry.  They loved on us and God greatly encouraged our spirits as the body of Christ.  We were spoiled physically, emotionally and spiritually.

 TOGETHER we shared in a week-long conference/revival.  Two different ministries.  Two different ways but both with hearts for the Lord and to love his people, children, creation.  God showed up and He showed out (and I'm pretty sure He was smiling!) John 17 lived out - the power of unity.  The beauty of oneness.

There was no right - no wrong.  No judgement.  Just family, children of God. Love
It was awesome.

We are blessed to have so many sweet and precious friends all over Haiti doing things like, midwifery, discipleship, libraries, radio stations, orphanages, adoption, building, education, medical, well-drilling, etc...
Friends with different denominations, different personalities, from different backgrounds
Thank you Lord that you choose to use the foolish things of this world.
Thank you for making different parts of the body and then bringing us together for your kingdom's work.  Thank you for so many very special people and relationships in our life who mentor us, speak into us, inspire and encourage us.  YOU are an awesome God!

The Barnes' Family in Haiti : Only Jesus...

The Barnes' Family in Haiti : Only Jesus...: There are many Haiti adventures that I have "only Jesus" moments- Surreal moments where you know that ther...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I had a mind to...

Remember those key "Hollywood" phrases, "Why I outta!"...

Honestly, I had a "blog" brewing about how modern day slavery still exists and how many haitians we love are hurting because of sin & injustice.  I have thoughts and other friend's words from powerful blogs spinning in my heart and mind producing strong emotions and incredible passion...

Then, after a day of monthly IHDP's (Individual Holistic Development Plans) meetings with our House of Moses student's your heart doesn't have the energy to hold the terrible things in with the good.  It's almost as black and white as when the words says
-be hot or cold
-You are for me or against Me
-You can't serve two Gods.
I don't mean to take these out of context at all but the extremes of these describes the hugeness of how God has turned my sadness into Joy!

Not that it's not okay for your heart to break over the things that break the heart of God or to have righteous anger over wrong things BUT I can't dwell there and I HAVE to forgive, pray for my friends and even the persecutors.  Slowly, the deep love that explodes in this home is consuming and both emotions can't linger together.  So, there is peace.  Peace that comes from the conversations from one of the questions on their monthly "report;" What can WE as House Parents do help meet your needs?  And multiple ones say Continue to love me unconditionally.  One girl said, Please don't leave us - she actually said in kreyol that your love would be "pou net"  Which means forever.
 In Christ, isn't the love we share eternal.  The overwhelming assurance and confidence in that is so powerful.
We got the joy of sharing with another student that we are praying with mountain moving faith that these few years of leadership and discipleship in their hearts and lives would cover years of suffering, doubting their worth, feeling unloved and unwanted and many other vises of the enemy to kill, steal and destroy what God is building up.
Today, in one of the boys meetings, he says, "Even though we are not from your stomach you love us as we are and I pray that God continues to give you that love for me more and more."  After explaining that though our love is from God, it is humanly imperfect, we tell him that God's model for the family is healing and restoring because of the power of love and it was his design for our lives to reflect Him and his love in order to bring Him glory.  You can see an identity in Christ that brings peace that wipes out the label orphan all over them.  It is beautiful.

No longer does anything else matter.
It's easy to focus on the humbling opportunity to pray for John as he teaches Bible at a local trade school, meet with local pastors and encourage them about the schools and churches in their community.  Meet with multiple people about upcoming "conferences" (revivals), so excited about the opportunities to preach in the next month and the list goes on and on...Yes, LOL all in one day in Haiti!

So, tonight as my husband leaves the room to go play xbox while the generator is on with our haitian brother or as he says, "big boy time"  because all our children are in bed because they all have school tomorrow, he says to me, I want you to know, Today when ---one of our daughters skyped with a third grade class in the states, when they asked her who she looks up to and admires, she answered, "Many people, but Vanah (our oldest Haitian daughter and graduate studying in the U.S.) and my mom, Christi."  Well, I want to be worthy of that sweet honor. I can't waste my time venting about the other junk, that's like watching the news in the U.S...I'm filled with the desire to share these things.

 In Proverbs 31 when it says, they will rise up and call her blessed...the context of the BLESSED translated is Happy.  I want to be a contagious, spirit filled happy mom that absolutely leaves a legacy God will use to see lives changed and souls saved, even amongst terrible situations, hurting loved ones, poverty, injustice - Our Savior is still on His throne and in the end, there is VICTORY!  I'm going to claim that tonight as God's mercy and grace floods my heart.

God sees everything.  He knows everything.  He cares...he loves beyond our understanding.  He is BIG and He's Mine & I am his...that something worth my time, my everything!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

These are a few of my favorite things...

Much like off Sound of Music - Today with arms spread wide I am filled with a song in my heart and a pep in my step.  What I love about blogging is not only sharing your heart, passions, struggles but also just the things you love about life.

Everyday in Haiti holds new and very unexpected adventures but of the things that we can count on most of the time... Here is a week in the life of me and the things I look forward to:

Sunday:  Church- love Pastor Alvince, our community/fellowship, singing - praying and the list goes on....
I love cooking for our family on Sundays when Imadel is off and basking in the blessing of her family!

Monday: Special time with John going through the book Intimate Encounters
               Children's ministry in the evenings!

Tuesdays:  Marcelin leading our worship during family devotions...Hearing about how Sabbath went for JOhn, Kessey, Johnny and whatever man might have joined them.  I love hearing about how God spoke to them during this time with the Lord.

Wed:  Honestly, can't think of anything specifically special that I look forward to on Wed. but I'll share what I also love every day of the week is seeing the kids up and getting ready for school in the morning, seeing them come home and then seeing them with their tutor in the afternoons - Professor Jonas.  Working hard - Peaceful, busy, etc...

Thursdays!  THURSDAYS ROCK!  This is my discipleship day...I go to LaPointe and join the incredible missionaries with Crossworld and do Bible Study with Ms. Gail.  It's usually also the day we travel to Port du Paix if we need to in order to do whatever is needed for HoM there.  Then, in the afternoon I do discipleship with my one on one girls AND Thursday night is our community Bible study at the house - Love the teachings, full house, music, prayer...we go to bed wiped out but filled up for God's glory!

Friday:  I love fun family Fridays!  It's our day to have a coke, movie or games and bask in the week.  This month has been special because TK is on the schedule to lead family devotions on Fridays.  LOVE that!  Then, it's usually Friday and/or Sat. that we allow friends (sleepovers) so that's always fun to include them in our family and love on friends!

Saturday:  Men's group: Discipleship/Challenge time.  I love seeing the table full of men - Going through Raising Modern Day Knights!
Then, I also love teaching English class for the club Sat. mornings!
 Saturdays are Pancake morning and I love making coffee, Pancakes while listening to  the Ryobi Radio and with music going through the house, giggles/talking on the back porch because it's laundry day (by hand) basking in the week and all God is doing!

Just some of my favorite things!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Romans 7

The last few months I had struggled over the MANY rules/law in Haiti.

Some are as follows:
-Nice clothes (that many do not have) in order to go to church
-No Tattoos if you're a good person/Christian  (Of course, that's excused if you are white because they say that's culture)
-Some churches/"Christian" communities say no jewelry, no make up...
-No wearing certain hairdos, hair dyes, even straighteners in some communities

-All of Haiti says, No Sex before marriage, No promiscuity due to spreading diseases...
AND this is very ironic as it is a very sexual culture:  it seems the evidence of unholy sexual activity is everywhere:  Few faithful spouses, no fathers, young mothers who can't raise their children, sexual diseases like crazy...
You can see SOME rules are good and SOME are biblical but in most cases NONE are followed and if they are it doesn't appear to be done with the fruit of love or righteousness.

So in Thursday Bible Studies, we have been focusing on KINGDOM culture.  That is doesn't matter what American or Haitian culture shows us if it doesn't align with the Word of God then it is trumped by Kingdom Culture.

After some time with another local missionary who has wrestled with this over the last decade...I felt so freed up by her reminder that the LAW, the 613 rules that the Israelites followed to show their "righteousness" was not meant to make the people good.  In fact, it revealed that our sinful nature was anything but that...  The law was meant to reveal our need for a Savior!

If the law made society better, more respectful, orderly or even good than Haiti would definitely reflect that; but it simply does not.  Rules/Law only reveals our need for a Savior!  That apart from the transforming work of the Spirit in our hearts, law only leads to more sin.

We broke apart Romans 7, it was beautiful!  
The law isn't BAD.  Our children has A LOT of rules, to guide and teach them as Paul spoke of in his life in Romans 7:8 BUT Jesus came to fulfill the law to FREE us by the Power of the truth of His love and the Holy Spirit.  That is what Haiti needs...the truth of the gospel - The love of Jesus in a redeeming way; Not the condemnation of man trying so hard to correct through judgement.

When I asked this sweet sister, "Why do you think this yoke of law is so thick here?"  She answered honestly and without hesitation... "It's a slave mentality."  When you only know slavery - You desire the law because you've never experienced freedom apart from it.  Wow!  The Israelites were being led to the Promise Land and at one point wanted Egypt again...slavery.  Then, when almost there after the long faith journey, fear almost overwhelmed them and did some of the spies.

We love this beautiful country and it's people
Haiti takes so much pride of being the first independent black nation and has freed themselves physically; but the spiritual bondage is huge.
  Our prayer is that through discipleship, the gospel, truth and love redemption will bring revival spiritually because Jesus came to set the captive free!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Barnes' Family in Haiti : Not too Different...

The Barnes' Family in Haiti : Not too Different...: Leadership, Discipleship and just plain having a large family is not just unique to Haiti but lately has shown me would be really similar if...