Have you ever felt God stirring and doing a mighty work and yet there are "growing pains?" I feel like when Paul writes that He wants to know God in the power of the Resurrection that my heart goes, "YES!" Let's live believing the incredible truths of His Word! Then, God says death comes before the Resurrection...ok, Salvation? Got it! Well, then there's being refined by fire. Whoa, fire does not feel good but if that's what it takes in order for my reflection to be Jesus to a lost and dying world, broken and hurting...(deep breath) I surrender all- which is so odd to say because I don't even feel that it's mine to surrender, it's God's, always has been.
A friend of mine is leaving tomorrow to go to Haiti. I am happy for her and yet my heart so longs to be there among the people, culture and country that God has put a supernatural love and desire for. We are currently praying and planning to be back in Haiti early June. I will be one year, almost exactly since the last time we were there. The longest stretch in seven years. The Lord has graciously placed Haiti in our home daily and we have focused on our family's transition and completion of Ava's adoption. God has done other incredible things in Haitian relationships along the journey and Yves calls, facebook with Haitian friends and blogs from GO, GVCM, NWHCM, and Heartline keep us connected and praying for our dear friends committed to Haiti; but not one day passes that my constant prayers, memories and thoughts are far from my heart. As I often do, last night I dreampt of being in Haiti. The people, children, expression, colors, smells...I am yearning to step off of the plane as the warm air hits my face, hearing the tropical drums as the welcome music plays and I see the smiling faces of the Haitian people and of course baggering, and chaos!
In the meantime, faithfulness, full obedience where God has us. Dying to self, learning full submission.
James 1:19 and keeping my eyes on Christ, abiding in love amidst any storm or tribulation while being fully committed as a wife, mommy and student is where God has me. I am content because I trust the ONE who is in Control. That's where I am - we need prayer, we need support in various ways and encouragement. God is faithful...can I be? Phil. 4:13